Narcissus Absolute

Narcissus Absolute

from £115.00

Botanical name: Narcissus poeticus

Country of origin: France

Method of extraction: Volatile solvent extraction

Narcissus absolute is a precious and rare perfumery ingredient, less common and much more costly than other widely used absolutes such as rose or jasmine. It’s a dark brown or orange viscous liquid and we only recommend it for use in perfumery.

Narcissus poeticus, also known as Narcissus des Plaines, shares similarities with jonquil absolute, so the same warning applies! If you’ve never smelled this absolute and you’re expecting a bright and light airy floral scent, you might be in for a surprise. Its odour is not that of a pretty floral fragrance, and it’s much more similar to its source, the narcissus flower: rich, green and herbaceous over a green floral bouquet with hay and honey undertones.

Perhaps one for the advanced perfumery student, and to venture outside of the traditional Floral category. Skilful blending with other ingredients will tease out the multiple odour facets hidden in this absolute, be it the sweet, floral and honey-like notes, or the green and herbaceous side.

We love it in Green Florals, Fougères and Green Chypres.




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